Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

For days now I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of 2011. Finally in just a few short hours it will be here.

In 2010 I was able to start some new and exciting projects, and I am looking forward to the results coming in 2011.

For all my family and friends (old and new), I am wishing that 2011 is our best year ever! I hope that 2011 is the year where all our wishes, hopes and dreams really do come true!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Twist

Every year since 1999 I have handmade all my Christmas cards that send out to family and friends. What surprises me about my Christmas cards is the number of people that have kept these cards from year to year and actually have the own personal collection of Debi Payne Designs Christmas cards. Several have told me about how they have incorporated my cards into their Christmas decorations and every year they add to their decoration collection. I am truly honored by each and every one of them.

In 2008 I designed this crazy Christmas tree for my Christmas card that year. I really liked the tree design and the background that looked best to me was the black background. At first I told myself that I couldn’t send a Christmas card with a black background because that just wasn’t “Christmasy”. I was very nervous about it, but since I really liked the card I decided to go ahead and send it out anyway.

Every year I always get the nicest comments about my cards and I really do enjoy hearing every comment. That year since I was so nervous about sending out a black Christmas card I really didn’t expect any comments. But boy was I surprised! The comments that year were over the top. Everybody loved the card with the most comments being along the lines of “so different”. Much to my surprise and even more to my delight my Christmas Twist with the black background was a HUGE hit!

The first year that President Obama was in the White House he announced that they would not be having Christmas Trees in the White House, instead they would be having Holiday Trees. Upon hearing that I thought to myself, ‘man have I got a Holiday Tree for you’!