Friday, July 16, 2010

What An Adventure!

For those of us that didn't spend our childhood years surround by all the techie gadgets that we have today or didn't learn how to use a computer before we could say Mommy or Daddy, learning the ways of the techie world are a little more difficult for us.

My art use to be 100 percent by hand using different mediums like paint, pen, pencil, pastels, etc. Now it seems like all my work is done on the computer. I am now even doing my rough sketches on the computer. Making the transition has been quit a learning curve for me.

Another thing that has gone totally digital for me is my marketing. I use to think that one email account was difficult to keep up with. Now I have 4. Also, in addition to the 4 email accounts I now also have Face Book and Twitter to manage. So, with all of that what do I do? I add this blog. Oh goodie, now I have one more thing to manage.

I remember the days when if you wanted to open a store you would go rent a building or space, then you would purchase your inventory. After you had received your inventory and set up your store like you wanted it you would then do your advertising to try to get people into your store to purchase your items. Even that has changed. I now have a on-line store where I get to design all my own products. I don't have to worry about making the inventory or deal with the money from people purchasing my products and yet I still get paid every time somebody purchases one of my products. Now how great is that????

I know that once I get past this learning curve that I am going through and many years down the road I am going to be able to look back at this point in time and say, "ahhh, yes, those were the good ol days!"

Birdie Neighborhood Greeting Cards from

Birdie Neighborhood Greeting Cards from